Hi, people!
As you can see, my face finally looks completely normal. There are no traces of the bee sting anymore. Thank goodness! It's been a week and I could barely wait to look like a decent human being again.
I just had to break the gray and cloudy day with those colorful jeans. I know they're a bit edgy and difficult to combine and not for everyone's taste... All you gotta do is calm them down a bit with neutral colors like beige, white, black or brown.
Otherwise, everything is completely normal again. Yesterday I watched Sacha Baron Cohen's The Dictator on DVD with my boyfriend, it's such a great comedy, not as good as Borat or Bruno, but still... The movie is completely politically incorrect, making fun of really everything and everyone (from Arabs, Jews, WASPs to vegans, politicians, dictatorships, democracy, totalitarianism), but still it's hilarious. If you haven't watched it yet, you should definitely do it!
Here's my outfit for today:
Trench coat: Topshop, S/S 2010
Denim jacket: Topshop, S/S 2010
Jeans: New Yorker, S/S 2012
Bag: Accessorize, A/W 2009/10
Tank top: H&M, S/S 2011
Sneakers: Converse, S/S 2011
Encumbered forever by desire and ambition
There's a hunger still unsatisfied
Our weary eyes still stray to the horizon
Though down this road we've been so many times
The grass was greener
The light was brighter
The taste was sweeter
The nights of wonder
With friends surrounded
The dawn mist glowing
The water flowing
The endless river
There's a hunger still unsatisfied
Our weary eyes still stray to the horizon
Though down this road we've been so many times
The grass was greener
The light was brighter
The taste was sweeter
The nights of wonder
With friends surrounded
The dawn mist glowing
The water flowing
The endless river
(lyrics: Pink Floyd, High Hopes)
Jao, moje pantalone!! Zaljubila sam se u njih, probala ih i ustanovila da su mi jedno 5 cm krace nego sto treba :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiSvidja mi se trenc i treba mi jedan takav hitno :))
koliko si visoka? :) i meni su mrvicu prekratke, a nisam nešto previsoka, ravno 168 cm. ali za te pare za koje sam ih našla (nekih 10 eura, a snižene s 40 eura) nisam mogla odoljeti. :D
Izbrišišto se trencheva tiče, pogledaj u Zari, vidjela sam nedavno hrpu jako sličnih modela tu kod nas u Zagrebu. ;)
hlače su supeeer :) gledala sam slične jučer i kružila oko njih :D odgovara li tebi broj hm-ovih stvari standardnom broju koji nosiš? i što se tiče ove dužine,probala sam jučer jednu divnu haljinicu,ali su meni sve,ali baš sve njihove stvari prekratke,dođu mi kao tunike :S
OdgovoriIzbrišikod majica jako variram između XS i S, nekad se dogodi i da mi je XS prevelik, kod hlača sam točno međubroj između 36 i 38 tako da ni ne mogu kupovati njihove hlače. a haljine su mi OK XS ili S, ovisno o modelu. :D
Izbrišibtw majica na slici je XS, gle kak' je dugačka. imam jaaako kratki trup.
Flojdi <3 a promakle mi te super-blesavo-otkačene farmerice, jbg :D
OdgovoriIzbrišithank you so much for such lovely comment <3 you are the cutest <3
hej draga, puno ti hvala na komentaru! vidim da si zamjetila da me nema dugo..imala sam nekih problema, ali uskoro napišem post! :*
OdgovoriIzbrišii da, čitam tvoje postove redovno, iako nisam komm. :( sorkač! ;) drago mi je da ti je konačno bolje! i daaaa, outfit je genijalan, pogotovo te pre cool hlače, kad su kupljene, nedavno ili? i ja bi i ja bi :D :) puseeee
hvala, draga, nadam se da je i kod tebe sad sve u redu... ;)
Izbrišihlače sam kupila krajem 6. mjeseca ak' se ne varam, ljetna sniženja su već bila počela.
super su mi hlače :)
OdgovoriIzbrišima cijela kombinaija :)
you look great!
I really like your blog and your style, I´m following you :D
... maybe if you have time, you could visit my blog too, and if you like it, follow me back ;)